Don’t Let These “End of Season” AC Repairs Haunt You!
Air Conditioning
November 8, 2021

Don’t Let These “End of Season” AC Repairs Haunt You!

We know, it’s funny to call it “end of season” when really our air conditioners are needed year-round. Still, we do have some reprieve this time of the year … usually. So you might be looking forward to turning off your air conditioner for several weeks and not giving it another thought until you need it again next spring.

Well, we’ve got some news for you: this might be a mistake. If it wasn’t clear already, your air conditioner goes through a lot of work each and every year, throughout the year. This means two things: it really needs annual preventative maintenance from trained and experienced professionals, and it can accumulate wear and tear quickly.

Annual preventative maintenance will help fend off the worst repair needs, but it’s still important to be aware of the signs your air conditioner needs repair, even if it’s between maintenance sessions or it’s right before a seasonal break.

Read on to learn what these signs are!

Low Airflow

Have you noticed that the chilled air that usually cools down your home doesn’t seem to be moving through the vents with the speed or power you think it used to?

This can be caused by a few different things. First, we want you to check the HVAC air filter. This is the one maintenance task that homeowners can and should do on their own. This filter is in place to protect the air conditioner from dirt, dust, and other debris that can damage its sensitive components. But when it gets too clogged, it can restrict airflow.

Restricted airflow will not only lead to decreased comfort for you, but your air conditioner will run longer trying to achieve the desired temperature on your thermostat. This means it will drain more energy and cost more to operate. And when you live where we do, you want to try to save as much on your cooling costs as possible.

Low airflow can be caused by other things too, such as damaged ductwork. Ductwork damage is something worth addressing right away, since your air ducts are usually shared by your AC and your furnace—we know, we know, you’re not going to need your furnace much this year. But wouldn’t you like it to work as efficiently as possible when you do need it?


This is the name given to the process where the air conditioner cycles on and off rapidly, without ever completing a full cooling cycle. Your air conditioning system uses up the most energy turning on than it does simply running, so you want its cycles to last as long as possible!

If your system is short-cycling, you’ll want to have the problem remedied right away, as this is both a symptom and a cause of future problems for your air conditioning system.

Other Signs of Disrepair

Other signs of an AC system in disrepair include low cooling (the airflow is okay but the air doesn’t seem as chilly as it should be) which can be the symptom of a refrigerant leak, and strange noises—which applies to anything outside of normal operational noises.

If you suspect anything is amiss with your air conditioner, please don’t hesitate to give us a call!

For professional and reliable Crawfordville, FL air conditioning service, look no further than Parker Services Inc. Comfort’s just a call away!

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