It’s That Time: Call Us to Schedule Air Conditioner Maintenance
Air Conditioning
March 15, 2021

It’s That Time: Call Us to Schedule Air Conditioner Maintenance

It’s that time of year again! No, we aren’t talking about the time to get to the local Downtown Market (although that is a great event to check out). It’s officially maintenance season! We know this is less exciting than a festival or a pop-up market, but maintenance season is important to remember. It can play a big role in making or breaking your comfort come summer, after all.

Have you scheduled your appointment for air conditioning maintenance yet? If you haven’t, we’d suggest you do it soon. Getting your annual tune-up taken care of now can save you time, money, and stress later on.

Why You Shouldn’t Delay Your AC Tune-Up

You might be thinking to yourself that you can just wait to get your maintenance service done. While this is an option, it isn’t one we’d suggest, per se. The longer you wait on maintenance the more likely it becomes that you’ll run into trouble. Here are some reasons you want to schedule this service ASAP:

  1. Your system will work more efficiently and effectively. When your air conditioner is regularly tuned up it is going to work more effectively and efficiently overall. This is because your technician is able to address a wide variety of issues during maintenance that would otherwise hinder the cooling process. Things like a clogged filter or loose parts are no longer going to be a problem that could hinder your air conditioner’s ability to keep you cool. And of course when your air conditioner does not have to work as hard to keep you cool it is going to allow it to use less energy, making it more efficient.
  2. You are less likely to encounter repair needs. If you get your air conditioner maintained each year, it will help to prevent repair needs in the long run. Skipping maintenance often makes it more likely that you will encounter repair needs more frequently for your air conditioner. If you want to keep your repairs to a minimum and increase your system’s lifespan it is best to get your air conditioner tuned-up around the same time every single year. The sooner you do this the less likely it is that one of the small issues will have a chance to worsen into a full-blown repair need.
  3. You should be able to get an appointment easier. Last but not least, getting maintenance knocked out as soon as possible is going to help you avoid scheduling hassles that may pop up further down the road. The warmer it gets, the more crowded our technicians’ schedules become as people scheduling air conditioning maintenance and air conditioning repairs more frequently. Get your maintenance appointment taken care of now so you can get save yourself time and stress.

Come to Us for Professional Maintenance

If you haven’t gotten your maintenance appointment set up for your air conditioner just yet, reach out to us as soon as you can. We are available and ready to get your AC tuned up and prepped for the summer heat.

Contact Parker Services Inc today for your AC maintenance in Tallahassee, FL. Comfort’s just a call away!

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