There is so much information you can find right here, online. Unfortunately, not all of it is true. It’s probably a bit ironic that we’re admitting that in a blog post! Nevertheless, we want to share a common misconception that homeowners believe, which could actually be damaging to your comfort and to your air conditioning system.
That misconception is in regards to refrigerant, what it is, and how it works. Read on as we dive in!
The most common misconception folks have about refrigerant is that it is actually used to power the air conditioner. You may have even heard at some point that refrigerant to an air conditioner is like gasoline is to a car.
This is just not true. Like many of your home appliances, your air conditioner runs on electricity to operate. Refrigerant is a cooling substance that absorbs the heat from your living space and coverts it between liquid to gas using evaporation and compression, to return chilled air back into your home.
Upon manufacturing, air conditioners are supplied with enough refrigerant to ideally last the systems’ entire lifespan. This level of refrigerant is called the systems’ refrigerant charge, and it doesn’t get “used up” as fuel does.
So, what if your air conditioner is losing refrigerant? Well, it means that you have a leak!
Due to normal wear-and-tear from consistent use, refrigerant line leaks can definitely happen. Leaks lead to a number of problems that impact the system itself and impact your comfort. if not repaired, it can cause the AC compressor to fail completely and you could find yourself in need of a new air conditioner.
There are, fortunately, a few signs you can keep in mind that might indicate your air conditioner is experiencing a refrigerant leak. As soon as you suspect it, please give us a call!
Contact Parker Services Inc today for reliable air conditioning repair in Havana, FL. Comfort’s just a call away!